Dear Friends
I write to you from a little bubble of radiance. The sky is blue, the sun is shining and I feel happy.
There could be a few reasons…
☕I’ve started drinking a tea from wild foraged Cleavers (sticky plant) and apparently it’s good for your lymphatic system and clearing out the dross of winter
🎈My son is going to turn 3 next week and his joy is infectious
✍️ I’ve re-started doing the “Morning Pages” which is a practice recommended by Julia Cameron, I’m reading her book The Prosperous Heart at the moment
I’ve been playing with voice notes/podcasting the past few weeks. With the Substack app I can easily publish straight to Spotify. This week I made a voice note all about the things I learnt from artist Michael Birch. He was an amazing artist who carved Netsuke, a traditional Japanese Art Form. If you are a bit creatively stuck at the moment this talk might inspire you :-) Here’s a doodle about the things I learnt…
You can listen to the first 3 episodes of my podcast on Spotify HERE
Singing Mamas Album - Some Tech Gremlims / Admin errors have delayed the release so it will be out next week
Scroll down for some nice pictures
PS. Things I mentioned in the podcast
The 3 Tim Ferris Blogs I’ve listened to recently
Martha Beck :
Seth Godin :
Cal Newport :
Michael Birch Book :
Picking Cleavers
Drinking Cleavers Tea (you need 2 tablespoons for good flavour)
Working on a new smocking class. The navy smock is new and is inspired by the traditional smock, and the white smock is from a Skillshare class I made last year and is inspired by Slovak Kroj.
The lambs near me are too cute
My small growing station for my new alloment
“Being creative is the opposite of anxiety. But you can’t get to creativity if you don’t start with acceptance and compassion and simple kindness toward the self, toward the parts of the self that are doing the things you can’t stand.” Martha Beck
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