Dear Friends
First a quick update : Our crowdfunder launched 8 days ago and we feel so happy and grateful that we are already at 31% of our goal! But, we’ve got a way to go! Help us to reach our goal by pledging here :
I also had a few questions about the album which id like to answer here:
Q. Where is album4? I looked on Spotify and couldn’t see it!
A. For now the music exists only in our imagination! We have been rehearsing for 9 months and we plan to record in spring, with a rough plan that it will be released autumn/winter. We are running the pre-order campaign very early, so that we can fund it’s creation.
Q. Where are your other 3 albums?
They are all available on Spotify, Bandcamp and all the streaming places. There’s LOVE ALWAYS WINS (2019), COME HOME (2021-written and recorded during the pandemic) and MORE LIKE ME (2024)
We’ve started sharing a few of the songs from the new album on Instagram - Listen HERE
Below is a little essay about music being my home
One day, during troubled times, I was listening to one of my favourite songs and the song said to me “This is your home. Please live here”.
I visited the song every day. The more time I spent in that cosy home, the more familiar it became. I spent more time with that song than I did with my best friends. The song was my best friend.
I didn’t understand the science back then, but now I do. The song was anchoring me into my ventral vagal state. When so much of my life was unstable, the song was solid, and the feeling was real.
Last year I provided 1,000 people on Spotify with a home to rest in, and a friend to be with them. I know those people received a benefit from listening and I know the value.
There are a few people out there, who can’t quite connect art with a tangible value, but for me THIS IS IT. Music is a home and a friend.
Anyway, I’m working on a new album. But for now let’s use the metaphor, I am building a house for you. You will be able to visit this house whenever you like. It will be free to enter.
The front porch of this house is planted with lavender and heather. The sage green door opens to a winding staircase. The living room is double aspect, sun pours in from both sides. The smell of burning sage lingers in the air. On the kitchen side is a tray with a selection of your favourite herbal teas. On the sofa is a large multicoloured patchwork blanket for you to rest in.
Would you like to come and live in this house?
But I need help building it!
For those who don’t understand the music industry. To give you a clear view of numbers. Last year my streams on Spotify paid me £100, not £100 pounds per month, £100 pounds total in a year.
So, the only way I am able to continue building musical homes, I require investors, believers, patrons of the arts.
What some people don’t realise is truly “Every Little Helps” If every person who read my emails sent £3 towards my album campaign, I’d overshoot my goal instantly. I am also so touched that some of my patrons pledge £100 or more, because of the value they see and feel. Thank you Thank you.
Thank you so much for seeing and appreciating the immeasurable but very real value I provide.