Dear Kind Readers
Next week I will be launching a very exciting campaign, because my 4th album is on it’s way!
Something has changed. Like the old stone wall that gets soft and rounded and mossy by the harsh and perpetual elements, I too am becoming soft and round and mossy.
I’ve been recording music for 13 years and writing songs always has been a form of therapy. I get lost in a world of imagination and I lose sense of time.
And then, I decide I want to share the songs with the world. In the past I’ve stepped out of my dreamy state and made the process of production and release incredibly stressful, with unrealistic expectations and unrealistic deadlines. Sometimes this stress has spilled out into my family home, and I am sad about that. The best way to say sorry is to alter your behaviour.
SO this album shall be different!
I have been working on this album with three lovely friends and fellow mothers. Most of our rehearsals have been whilst surrounded by six wild children pulling at our hair and asking for snacks. And the songs we sing are so lovely. And our friendship that envelopes the songs is so real.
When we sing together I feel my great great grandmothers place a soft and round and mossy blanket over the room. We become an inviting and magical landscape and the children delight.
And now it’s time to record them. That means creating marketing materials, dusting off all my technical equipment and hours doing finickity editing.
But it is very worth it and it’s selfish not to share these songs. How could I keep this landscape to myself? I have to show it to you!
And so this time, I shall be held by my great great grandmothers soft, round and mossy embrace as I do the more challenging technical parts, and the vulnerable work of showing my work to you and asking for your help.
We will be launching the album campaign on 19th Feb! I need your help to bring this meaningful, heartfelt, ancestral work to you.
So, please, if you love my emails and my music support our endeavour.
I am a fiercely interdependent artist. I have relied on my community for 13 years to make my work possible.
And here is my studio I will be working from...
Just kidding, our new music studio will be Miranda’s cosy living room. Here we are rehearsing this week…
That’s all for now
Keep the creative gift moving…Support my future projects HERE 🎁
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Can't wait for the album!